Affect of wind, ocean current, fresh water flow and salinity on Mangrove ecosystem

Wind, ocean current, fresh water flow and salinity have the strong influence on the establishment of mangrove ecosystem and also influence the growth and reproduction of mangroves.

Wind has influence on waves and currents in coastal areas cause soil erosion and changes in mangrove structure. Plants often depend on winds as agents of pollination and seed dissemination which affects biodiversity.

Ocean current
Ocean currents also vary considerably in rate and direction with climate, weather conditions, seasons, and annual changes.
Ocean current has influence on
¡  The mangrove establishment and its biodiversity.
¡  Mangrove deviations from tropical zone mostly correlate with warm and cold oceanic currents.
¡  The distributional ranges tend to be broader on eastern continental margins than on western coastlines.
¡  The occurrences of mangroves at Japan, 35 to 40o south latitude at the east coast of Africa, Australia and New-Zeeland.

Fresh water flow and Salinity
Salinity and fresh water flow has considerable effect on mangrove establishment, distribution and species composition.