Characteristics of Florida mangrove tree

There are mainly three types of mangrove species in Florida mangrove of america. Characteristics of Florida mangrove trees are given below.

Red mangrove species (Rhizophora mangle)

Red mangrove species
(Rhizophora mangle)

Grows in flooded areas.
Having aerial roots, which originate downward from the trunk and lower branches.
Leaves are thick, shiny, leathery and dark green.
Fruits are long pencil shaped for viviparous germination.

Black mangrove (Avicennia germinans)
Black mangrove species
(Avecennia germinans)

Small to medium height tree can reach about 50 feet long.
Grows in the wet soils of coastal high-tide shores.
Leaves are oppositely arranged, simple and persistent.
Egg shaped capsule like green fruit having one seed.
Pencil like pneumatophores.

White mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa)

Usually grows on higher land.
Does not have any pneumatophores. 
Leaves are thicker, elliptical, light yellow green having two distinguishing glands at the base of the leaf blade near to stem.

Nutrient in the mangrove ecosystem

Inorganic nutrients
16; Limiting factor: P, N ….
Rain, river run off, sediment, sea water.

Organic nutrients
Phytoplankton, diatom, bacteria, algae on tress and roots, dead organic matter, river runoff soil nutrients from coastal and upland erosion, dead plants and animals.

Nutrient fluxes in the mangrove forest
Amount of nutrient which exports from mangrove forest is important parameter of the ecosystem productivity. It is important to identify the various sources of nutrient inputs and outputs from mangrove ecosystem.
Static: Fixed nutrient; N P …
Dynamic: Comes from the tidal inundation and upland erosion (Na, K Fe..)

Input of inorganic matter in mangrove ecosystem

1.       Rainfall.
2.       Fresh water runoff from surrounding land forest including both dissolved and particulate boundary nutrient.
3.       N2 fixation.
4.       Mineralization: Heterotrophic conservation of organic nutrient to inorganic nutrient.
5.       Tidal borne dissolved or particulate bound nutrient.
6.       Chemical release from fixed state in soil.
7.       Man made influence (agriculture, drainage, sewage, clearing mangrove areas etc.)
Output of inorganic matter in mangrove ecosystem:
                                    1.       Tidal transport of dissolved and particulate bound nutrient and plant litter.
2.       De-nitrification and volatilization.
3.       Immobilization of organic nitrogen in soil.
4.       Leaching of soils by fresh water.

Travel in the largest mangrove forest Sundarban

Beautiful Sundarban
Sundarban is the largest delta mangrove forest of the world. It covers two sub-continental country one is beautiful Bangladesh in where largest portion of sundarban (65%) situated and rest of the forest is in India. It is one of the wonderful natural beauty of our environment.

A narrow canal in Sundarban sea shore
Kotka sea beach in Sundarban
Every year in winter season a lot of visitors come to take the taste of natural beauty. When you go through the river or canal of sundarban you feel simply 'wow! how much beautiful it is'! 

Most attractive wild animals of this mangrove forest are Royal Bangle Tiger, Crocodile, Deer, Monkey and so on. But snake and birds are rear in sundarban. 

Travel in Sundarban
Under Keora (Soneratia apetala) plant.
If you want to travel Sundarban mangrove forest, first come to Bangladesh and than start your journey from Khulna ship ghat by ship for two or three or four days.

Ecological Services of Mangroves

River of Sundarban
Sundarban mangrove forest.
      •      Protection against floods, hurricanes and tidal waves.
•      Control of shoreline and riverbank erosion.
•      Biophysical support to other coastal ecosystems.
•      Provision of nursery, breeding and feeding grounds.
•      Maintenance of biodiversity and genetic resources.
•      Storage and recycling of organic matter, nutrients and pollutants.
•      Export of organic matter and nutrients.
•      Biological maintenance of resilience.
•      Production of oxygen.
•      Sink for carbon dioxide.
•      Water catchment and groundwater recharge.
•      Topsoil formation, maintenance of fertility.
•      Influence on local and global climate.

Harvesting operation in Sundarban

Harvesting or logging is a scientific way to conserve our forest as declining resources in the world ecosystem. If we keep our forest to the well being of creature we should logging in well identifying system thus we can reduces the losses while harvesting. Finally our goal is to harvest forest resources to fulfill our necessities without hampering our ecosystem.

Objectives of forest harvesting
·         To prepare the tree for extraction.
·         To extract the prepare tree from forest land to mill site.
·         To minimize the wood damage.
·         To ensure the maximum grade recovery.
·         To ensure maximum efficiency of cutting crew.
·         Maintain a safe environment.

Objective of logging operation
·         To prepare the trees and leaves ready to transportation to a processing and converting facility.
·         To prepare and move logs out of the forest at least coast.
·         To supply proper logging methods so as to cause the least damage to the environment.

Logging operation
Logging plan
We decided to cut one middle aged tree because this was an experimental operation. Here we prefer manual skidding. For making plan we considered vegetation composition, elevation of forest, stand density, under brush, soil condition, risk from wild life etc.
Steps of felling operation
1.      Cleaning around the tree: It is recommended that before start cutting the operation should eliminate all underbrush on a radius of at least 1m from the bole. The larger the bole the radius should be the larger if the tree has large sprouts or sapling. We did it and also cut the tree as close to the ground as possible to avoid stumbling or a quick escape.
2.      Making the undercut: After cleaning around the tree we observed the tree lean and determined the felling direction. There are two common types of undercut. The conventional and Humbolt undercut consist of the oblique cut which is made by both a horizontal and a slope cut in the same side of the tree. We used Humbolt cut.
3.      Back cut: After completing the Humbolt undercut we cut the opposite side of the tree above the 3 cm from the undercut line projection. We cut it except 3.5 cm hinge.
4.      Pulling: After finishing under cut and back cut we pull the tree bole towards our desirable direction and finally we did it.
Log Preparation
We cut the tree bole into two pieces for attaining the desirable size to transportation and further furniture or any other materials manufacturing.
Log Transportation
We used manual log skidding to bring the log into our boat. There is no proper transportation road in there but if we want to do logging operation in a large scale we should make the road by clearing bushy vegetation.

Log transportation facilities in sudarban
Sudarban consists of huge number of big and small rivers. So here water transportation and boat transportation are easy and most used transportation practice.
In Sundarban huge amount of Golpatta produces on the river bank. So people can easily harvest and transport those by boat.
It will be a loss project if we harvest tree species like sundry, geowa, goran, poshur, keora etc by using clear felling system rather selection felling system holds the conservation idea for our future betterment. For these reasons skidding is so tough because animal skidding is not possible for no skidding animal in sundarban and manual skidding is also difficult for unfavorable forest floor.
Mechanical transportation will be preferable but it needs huge logging operation and there is no road transportation facilities rather huge numbers of river channels are in there.
Above all at present logging operation is band in Sundarban. So costly mechanical transportation system will not be applicable rather manual, boat and water transportation is perfect at present.

A boy is harvesting Golpatta.
Golpatta harvesting

Our forest resources decline rapidly day by day. We cannot stop harvesting or logging operation but we should consider our environment our next generation. For these we should do logging operation in scientific way.

Identify characteristics of mangrove species

Sunderban is the largest Mangrove forest of the earth. It is different from its beauty, site characteristics and species diversity. This forest covers 10,000 sq. km. of which about 6,000 are in Bangladesh. It became inscribed as a UNESCO world heritage site in 1997. The Sunderbans is estimated to be about 4,110 km², of which about 1,700 km² is occupied by waterbodies in the forms of river, canals and creeks of width varying from a few meters to several kilometers.

How can we identify Sunderban as a mangrove forest?
·         This area is a sheltered region for vegetation growth.
·         Tidal inundation is occurred frequently.
·         Species are halophytic because here water and soil are very much saline.

Identify characteristics of mangrove species:
Local Name
Scientific Name
Special Character
Heritiera fomes
Grey longitudinally cracked bark, Shade bearer, climax species, leaves are shortly petiolate and grouped towards the ends of the branches & dark green
Excoecaria agallocha
Grey, smooth and coverd with prominent lenticels; exudes a very acrid poisonous juice; simple, alternate, obovate to elliptic dark glossy green leaves.
Ceriops decandra
At the ends of the twigs, ovate to ovate oblong, entire glabrous leathery obtuse and darker green above than below.
Soneratia apetala
Pioneer strong light demander tallest species of Sunderban, stand deteriorates very quickly after maturity.
Xylocarpus mekongensis
Medium-sized, evergreen or briefly deciduous, glabrous tree reaching of 10-20 m in height, with a trunk diameter up to 1 m in diameter with very short or even no buttresses and an elaborated above ground root system. USES The bark of the bole is rich in tannin.
Nypa fruticans
Trunk less palm with tall erect fronds and an underground short horizontal stem; grows on the bank of the rivers.
Avicennia alba
Scattered isolated trees; pneumetaphores are thin finger like and covered with numerous lenticels; when over mature, Baen is usually hollow and rotten.
Amoora cucullata

There are 64 plant species in Sundarbans and they have the capacity to withstand estuarine conditions and saline inundation on account of tidal effects. Some species is also found by us in Sunderban such as Hantle, Sinra etc.
Sundri (Heritiera fomes)
Sundri (Heritiera fomes)