or logging is a scientific way to conserve our forest as declining resources in
the world ecosystem. If we keep our forest to the well being of creature we
should logging in well identifying system thus we can reduces the losses while
harvesting. Finally our goal is to harvest forest resources to fulfill our
necessities without hampering our ecosystem.
of forest harvesting
To prepare the tree for extraction.
To extract the prepare tree from forest
land to mill site.
To minimize the wood damage.
To ensure the maximum grade recovery.
To ensure maximum efficiency of cutting
Maintain a safe environment.
of logging operation
To prepare the trees and leaves ready to
transportation to a processing and converting facility.
To prepare and move logs out of the
forest at least coast.
To supply proper logging methods so as
to cause the least damage to the environment.
decided to cut one middle aged tree because this was an experimental operation.
Here we prefer manual skidding. For making plan we considered vegetation
composition, elevation of forest, stand density, under brush, soil condition,
risk from wild life etc.
of felling operation
1. Cleaning
around the tree: It is recommended that before start
cutting the operation should eliminate all underbrush on a radius of at least
1m from the bole. The larger the bole the radius should be the larger if the
tree has large sprouts or sapling. We did it and also cut the tree as close to
the ground as possible to avoid stumbling or a quick escape.
2. Making
the undercut: After cleaning around the tree we
observed the tree lean and determined the felling direction. There are two
common types of undercut. The conventional and Humbolt undercut consist of the
oblique cut which is made by both a horizontal and a slope cut in the same side
of the tree. We used Humbolt cut.
3. Back
After completing the Humbolt undercut we cut the opposite side of the tree
above the 3 cm from the undercut line projection. We cut it except 3.5 cm hinge.
4. Pulling:
After finishing under cut and back cut we pull the tree bole towards our
desirable direction and finally we did it.
cut the tree bole into two pieces for attaining the desirable size to
transportation and further furniture or any other materials manufacturing.
used manual log skidding to bring the log into our boat. There is no proper transportation
road in there but if we want to do logging operation in a large scale we should
make the road by clearing bushy vegetation.
transportation facilities in sudarban
consists of huge number of big and small rivers. So here water transportation
and boat transportation are easy and most used transportation practice.
Sundarban huge amount of Golpatta produces on the river bank. So people can
easily harvest and transport those by boat.
will be a loss project if we harvest tree species like sundry, geowa, goran,
poshur, keora etc by using clear felling system rather selection felling system
holds the conservation idea for our future betterment. For these reasons
skidding is so tough because animal skidding is not possible for no skidding
animal in sundarban and manual skidding is also difficult for unfavorable
forest floor.
transportation will be preferable but it needs huge logging operation and there
is no road transportation facilities rather huge numbers of river channels are
in there.
all at present logging operation is band in Sundarban. So costly mechanical
transportation system will not be applicable rather manual, boat and water
transportation is perfect at present.
Golpatta harvesting |
forest resources decline rapidly day by day. We cannot stop harvesting or
logging operation but we should consider our environment our next generation.
For these we should do logging operation in scientific way.