Characteristics of Florida mangrove tree

There are mainly three types of mangrove species in Florida mangrove of america. Characteristics of Florida mangrove trees are given below.

Red mangrove species (Rhizophora mangle)

Red mangrove species
(Rhizophora mangle)

Grows in flooded areas.
Having aerial roots, which originate downward from the trunk and lower branches.
Leaves are thick, shiny, leathery and dark green.
Fruits are long pencil shaped for viviparous germination.

Black mangrove (Avicennia germinans)
Black mangrove species
(Avecennia germinans)

Small to medium height tree can reach about 50 feet long.
Grows in the wet soils of coastal high-tide shores.
Leaves are oppositely arranged, simple and persistent.
Egg shaped capsule like green fruit having one seed.
Pencil like pneumatophores.

White mangrove (Laguncularia racemosa)

Usually grows on higher land.
Does not have any pneumatophores. 
Leaves are thicker, elliptical, light yellow green having two distinguishing glands at the base of the leaf blade near to stem.