Identify characteristics of mangrove species

Sunderban is the largest Mangrove forest of the earth. It is different from its beauty, site characteristics and species diversity. This forest covers 10,000 sq. km. of which about 6,000 are in Bangladesh. It became inscribed as a UNESCO world heritage site in 1997. The Sunderbans is estimated to be about 4,110 km², of which about 1,700 km² is occupied by waterbodies in the forms of river, canals and creeks of width varying from a few meters to several kilometers.

How can we identify Sunderban as a mangrove forest?
·         This area is a sheltered region for vegetation growth.
·         Tidal inundation is occurred frequently.
·         Species are halophytic because here water and soil are very much saline.

Identify characteristics of mangrove species:
Local Name
Scientific Name
Special Character
Heritiera fomes
Grey longitudinally cracked bark, Shade bearer, climax species, leaves are shortly petiolate and grouped towards the ends of the branches & dark green
Excoecaria agallocha
Grey, smooth and coverd with prominent lenticels; exudes a very acrid poisonous juice; simple, alternate, obovate to elliptic dark glossy green leaves.
Ceriops decandra
At the ends of the twigs, ovate to ovate oblong, entire glabrous leathery obtuse and darker green above than below.
Soneratia apetala
Pioneer strong light demander tallest species of Sunderban, stand deteriorates very quickly after maturity.
Xylocarpus mekongensis
Medium-sized, evergreen or briefly deciduous, glabrous tree reaching of 10-20 m in height, with a trunk diameter up to 1 m in diameter with very short or even no buttresses and an elaborated above ground root system. USES The bark of the bole is rich in tannin.
Nypa fruticans
Trunk less palm with tall erect fronds and an underground short horizontal stem; grows on the bank of the rivers.
Avicennia alba
Scattered isolated trees; pneumetaphores are thin finger like and covered with numerous lenticels; when over mature, Baen is usually hollow and rotten.
Amoora cucullata

There are 64 plant species in Sundarbans and they have the capacity to withstand estuarine conditions and saline inundation on account of tidal effects. Some species is also found by us in Sunderban such as Hantle, Sinra etc.
Sundri (Heritiera fomes)
Sundri (Heritiera fomes)