Travel in the largest mangrove forest Sundarban

Beautiful Sundarban
Sundarban is the largest delta mangrove forest of the world. It covers two sub-continental country one is beautiful Bangladesh in where largest portion of sundarban (65%) situated and rest of the forest is in India. It is one of the wonderful natural beauty of our environment.

A narrow canal in Sundarban sea shore
Kotka sea beach in Sundarban
Every year in winter season a lot of visitors come to take the taste of natural beauty. When you go through the river or canal of sundarban you feel simply 'wow! how much beautiful it is'! 

Most attractive wild animals of this mangrove forest are Royal Bangle Tiger, Crocodile, Deer, Monkey and so on. But snake and birds are rear in sundarban. 

Travel in Sundarban
Under Keora (Soneratia apetala) plant.
If you want to travel Sundarban mangrove forest, first come to Bangladesh and than start your journey from Khulna ship ghat by ship for two or three or four days.