Nutrient in the mangrove ecosystem

Inorganic nutrients
16; Limiting factor: P, N ….
Rain, river run off, sediment, sea water.

Organic nutrients
Phytoplankton, diatom, bacteria, algae on tress and roots, dead organic matter, river runoff soil nutrients from coastal and upland erosion, dead plants and animals.

Nutrient fluxes in the mangrove forest
Amount of nutrient which exports from mangrove forest is important parameter of the ecosystem productivity. It is important to identify the various sources of nutrient inputs and outputs from mangrove ecosystem.
Static: Fixed nutrient; N P …
Dynamic: Comes from the tidal inundation and upland erosion (Na, K Fe..)

Input of inorganic matter in mangrove ecosystem

1.       Rainfall.
2.       Fresh water runoff from surrounding land forest including both dissolved and particulate boundary nutrient.
3.       N2 fixation.
4.       Mineralization: Heterotrophic conservation of organic nutrient to inorganic nutrient.
5.       Tidal borne dissolved or particulate bound nutrient.
6.       Chemical release from fixed state in soil.
7.       Man made influence (agriculture, drainage, sewage, clearing mangrove areas etc.)
Output of inorganic matter in mangrove ecosystem:
                                    1.       Tidal transport of dissolved and particulate bound nutrient and plant litter.
2.       De-nitrification and volatilization.
3.       Immobilization of organic nitrogen in soil.
4.       Leaching of soils by fresh water.